Hilltop Christian Community We are a homeschool co-op in McHenry, Illinois Contact us for more info! We offer afternoon academic classes Hilltop Christian Community

New Family Application

indicates a required answer

  • Please read the Policy Handbook and Statement of Faith before filling out this form.
  • Write down the username and password you choose for future admittance to this website.
  • Once a member, we'll send you an invoice for the $25 non-refundable application fee.
  • After we receive your $25 non-refundable application fee, you'll be an official member of Hilltop.
  • The yearly membership fee (typically $185) is due at the family orientation meeting (usually in August).
  • Please email us if you have any questions using the "Contact Us" link. 
1. *

Attending Parent First and Last Name


Secondary Parent First and Last Name

3. *

Attending Parent Email Address

4. *

Please list ALL the names of your children that will be attending Hilltop with you, their birthdates, and what grade they will be going into in the fall.

5. *

After reading our Statement of Faith I can say:

 (1 required)
I agree wholeheartedly with Hilltop's Statement of Faith. I don't agree with all of it, but I agree to honor Hilltop's Statement of Faith.
6. *

Have you read our Policy Guidelines?

 (1 required)
Yes I agree No, I have a few questions I'd like to ask.

Do you have any areas of concern you'd like to talk about?

8. *

Do you attend church regularly, and if so, where?

9. *

If you serve at church we'd love to hear about it!

10. *

When did you start homeschooling?

11. *

Hilltop requires members to fulfill a serving position on a teaching team of their choosing during the morning co-op. As part of a teaching team, members take turns teaching throughout the year. Is there anything, that you know of, that would prevent you from fulfilling this commitment?

 (1 required)
I am ready to participate on a teaching team. I have some questions before I commit.
12. *

Weekly attendance is mandatory. If you know now your family will likely miss more than 3-5 co-op days this year, please reconsider making the commitment to Hilltop. It's OK if your family prefers a co-op with more flexibility or is not currently in a season where a commitment like this is possible. Again, weekly attendance is mandatory.

 (1 required)
My kids and I are ready to commit to weekly attendance. I might miss more than 5 days this year... can we chat about it?

Do you have any questions for us? If so, someone will follow up with you very soon! You can email us anytime using the "Contact Us" link on the website.

14. *

How did you hear about Hilltop Christian Community?