Hilltop Christian Community We are a homeschool co-op in McHenry, Illinois Contact us for more info! We offer afternoon academic classes Hilltop Christian Community

Policy Handbook

Hilltop Christian Community
Policy Handbook


“Make me know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you I wait all the day long.”

Psalm 25:4-5

Revised 08/16/2024


Reading and respecting this Statement of Faith is a condition of membership in Hilltop Christian Community (HCC). Our organization will make decisions and plan activities that are pleasing to God and are in accordance with His Word.

Our Statement of Faith includes only those truths upon which all true Christians agree. It concerns the Person and Work of Jesus Christ (the Gospel) as revealed in Scripture. It is the faith once delivered to the saints (Eph. 4:5), which distinguishes believers from non-believers. There are many secondary truths taught in the Bible over which godly men have differed in understanding. Therefore, this is not a statement of all that is important to believe, but of all that is essential to believe for Christian fellowship and unity (Rom. 15:7).

  • We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life. 

  • We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. 

  • We believe in the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in He will come again in power and glory.

  • We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only those who repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone can be saved.

  • We believe that salvation is a gift of God brought to man by God’s grace, that is received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and whose substitutionary death on the cross provided forgiveness for man’s sin.

  • We believe that for the salvation of a lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential, and that this salvation is received through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and not as a result of good works. 

  • We believe the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service.

  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ and that individual doctrinal differences, which may exist, should not hinder the unity of Christian home educators.

  • We believe that God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male or female and that each person’s gender is genetic and known at birth. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen. 1:26,27)

  • We believe that God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman. (Gen. 2:24)

  • We believe family to be defined as parents, male and female, who are legally married, or a single male or female, with children (biological, adopted, foster, and stepchildren). (James 1:26,27) 

  • We believe God in His Word has given parents the responsibility and authority to educate their children in a godly manner. (Deut. 4:9,6:1-25) 

Purpose of HCC

Hilltop Christian Community is a hybrid homeschool cooperative. HCC families work together to emphasize fellowship, discipleship, and support through our morning cooperative enrichment classes. The afternoon transitions to individualized academic options where students can choose from a variety of core and elective classes. We strive to provide a Christ-honoring and loving atmosphere for all students to learn, be challenged, make friends, and grow in their relationship with Christ.   

Spiritual Objective

The spiritual objective of HCC is to disciple students while providing a classroom environment which supports the Christian faith. HCC parents, teachers, and board members must, therefore, understand the foundational function of the HCC Statement of Faith and be in agreement with it.

HCC Operation

All policies and procedures for the organization known as HCC shall be determined and set forth by an appointed Board of Directors whose purpose shall be to represent the corporate organization. When necessary, the Board of Directors may appoint a committee to help meet some of the needs associated with running a co-op. If you have concerns, questions, or suggestions, please contact anyone on the Leadership Team.  

Hilltop Christian Community
P.O. Box 23
McHenry, IL 60050
[email protected]


  1. Read this Policy Handbook and the Statement of Faith. 

  2. If you are in agreement with these two documents, go to www.hilltopchristiancommunity.net and click “Join” at the top of the screen
    to fill out the online registration form.

  3. After reviewing your registration form, HCC will send you an invoice for the $25 application fee.

  4. After receiving your $25 application fee, HCC will send you a confirmation of your membership.

  5. A membership fee is due at the mandatory August meeting. The membership fee may fluctuate yearly between $175-$200 depending on membership.


Application Fee A non-refundable $25 fee is paid to HCC via PayPal after an application is submitted and covers the registration fee and operation costs.

Membership Fee The membership fee may fluctuate yearly between $175-$200 depending on membership. It is due at the mandatory August orientation meeting and covers insurance costs, background checks, building fees, website costs, and other operating expenses. This fee is paid to HCC and is non-refundable after the second co-op meeting of the school year.  

Monthly Morning Co-op fees Monthly fees are $7 per child with a cap off at 5 children. There are no fees for children 3 years old and younger. Monthly fees cover classroom supplies for the morning enrichment co-op.

Afternoon Classes Fees Afternoon instructors at HCC are considered independent contractors. The classes are offered separately from Hilltop by each instructor, and each class has a different cost set by the instructors. The costs fluctuate but are usually between $200 and $300 per year.

Hardship Assistance Any request for hardship assistance regarding monthly co-op fees can be brought to the board of directors. The board will review and make determinations on a case-by-case basis. To be considered, you must have been a member in good standing for one year. Afternoon class fees can be brought to your child’s instructors. Instructors can make separate determinations because they are independent contractors.


Volunteer Positions

  • Each family is required to serve on a teaching team during the morning co-op hours. 

  • These volunteer positions are a requirement to be a part of our organization. Failure to fulfill these requirements may result in inability to register for afternoon classes or dismissal.

  • You’ll let us know where you want to serve after you pay your $25 application fee.

  • If sick or unavailable on a particular day, it is your responsibility to inform responsible parties (lead, teacher, etc.).


All curriculum must be taught from a biblical worldview and approved by the Leadership Team.

Academic Expectations

  • We are not a school and do not keep records or provide information for transcripts.

  • Some classes require a significant amount of homework. Students are expected to come prepared each week.

  • Some classes will be graded; some will not. Check with the teacher and refer to the course description. 

Classroom Standards

  • An adult must be present at all times in a room occupied by children.

  • No adult should ever be alone with a child that is not his or her own. Adults are responsible to ensure another adult is with them to maintain this policy.

  • Cell phones, laptops, or other devices may be used in classrooms only with teacher permission.


  • Information is communicated via email through the website HomeSchool-Life and conveys a host of information such as important dates, upcoming events, field trips, and policy reminders.

  • It is very important for families to stay informed and to communicate any necessary information to their children. 

  • If you are having any problems receiving Homeschool-Life emails, please let us know.


The purpose and intention of HCC Facebook Community Page is that all posts to reflect things that directly relate to, or benefit, our HCC families.

Sick Policy 

Please refrain from attending HCC if you or your child have any of the following:

  • An oral temperature above 99 degrees. Must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of a fever reducer, before returning to Hilltop.

  • Chills, cough, sore throat or other cold symptoms, or an overall feeling of unwellness.

  • Yellow or green nasal discharge.

  • Eye discharge or Conjunctivitis (pink eye).

  • Vomiting or diarrhea for any reason. Must be vomit- and/or diarrhea-free for 24 hours.

  • Any communicable disease (i.e., chicken pox, whooping cough, measles, fifth disease, etc.) Board must be notified so we can confidentially and discreetly notify families of possible exposure.

  • Strep or staph. You must be on antibiotics for at least 48 hours before coming to Hilltop. 

  • Head Lice. You must notify a board member so that a confidential notice can go out to the families, as to avoid the spread of lice. All nits must be removed from the hair before returning.

  • A stomach bug in the last 72 hours.

  • A sickness without any obvious symptoms.

  • Illness while participating at Hilltop. Please leave immediately to avoid getting others sick.


Should an accident occur at HCC, we recommend the following procedure:

  • Determine if 911 should be called.

  • Contact the parent and a Leadership Team.

  • A first-aid kit will be available.

  • Complete an Accident/Incident report.

Tech Campus Policy

Attending Hilltop late to accommodate participation in Tech Campus is under board discretion with the following parameters:

  • Option open only to juniors and seniors
  • Space must allow with full time participants prioritized 
  • Understanding that full time students are prioritized for afternoon classes
  • Parent participates in the full morning session (from opening to closing)
  • Effective 2025/26 co-op year:
    • student must have participated full time in Hilltop for the year prior

Visitor Requirement

All visitors 18 years and older must have a background check before their second visit. Every visitor must sign in at the check-in table upon arrival. All subs and classroom helpers, including spouses, must have a background check before entering any classroom. There are no visitors under the age of 18 allowed without a parent.


Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ.  (Philippians 1:27a) 

The purpose of this code of conduct is to promote behavior that honors the Lord.  As a group of Christian families, we should display to ourselves and others, in words and actions, behavior that is befitting Christ followers.

  • Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children comply with HCC policies. If a student becomes disruptive in class, the teacher will provide two gentle reminders. If the behavior continues, the student will be brought to their parent to be supervised for the remainder of the period. The student may return to the next class period if their behavior has improved. If disruptive behavior becomes a recurring issue, the board will request a meeting with the parent(s) to discuss whether the co-op is a suitable fit for the student.

  • All members will be held responsible for their actions and shall conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity.

  • Name calling, gossiping, or hurting (verbally or physically) among any members of HCC will not be tolerated. This includes sowing seeds of discord and gossiping with deliberate intent to hurt a person's integrity and good standing in HCC. 

  • If you have a problem with another adult, go to that person in private. If you are unable to resolve the issue directly with the person, contact a member of the Leadership Team.
    “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” (Matt. 18:15-16)

Habitual Misconduct

Warnings may be issued for violations of the Policy Handbook and/or Hilltop’s Statement of Faith. Our goal is to partner with the parents, teachers, and students to resolve these situations. If a student or parent continually disregards HCC policies, the child and/or family membership may be suspended or terminated, depending upon the severity of the infraction. 

Gross Misconduct

To maintain safety and high biblical standards, the following infractions could result in immediate suspension and/or termination of an individual and/or family: 

  • Violent or threatening behavior

  • Bringing illegal drugs, alcohol, or a weapon of any kind to HCC

  • Bullying (intentional intimidation and/or cyber bullying)

  • Vandalism or any deliberate actions that damage or destroy the property or belongings of other members

  • Homosexual/Lesbian unions – We believe that God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one male and one female. (Gen. 2:24)  


Fire Drill

We plan one fire drill per school year. Please know the safest and quickest way out of the building from your location. When you hear the fire alarm: 

  • Quickly and quietly exit the building via your nearest exit.

  • Do not look for your children in the building. Teachers will ensure students safely exit the building.  

  • DO NOT go back into the building for any reason.

  • Once out of the building, you should locate your children. 

  • Keep your own family together and quiet.

  • Listen for instructions or an all-clear to be given before re-entering the building.  


  • Sit on the floor with hands over your head.  

Active Shooter

Employ the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT model:

  • RUN - Get out of the building.

    • Have an escape plan in mind.

    • Leave your belongings behind.

    • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.

    • Help others escape.

    • Prevent others from entering an area where the shooter may be.

    • Call 911 when you are safe.

  • HIDE - Get out of view.

    • Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view.

    • Lock the door or block entry to your hiding place.

    • Silence your cell phone.

  • FIGHT - Get physical and incapacitate the shooter.

    • Fight as a last resort only when your life is in imminent danger.

    • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.

    • Act with as much physical aggression as possible.

    • Use whatever you can as a weapon to defend yourself.

Parents should watch the ADD training video on YouTube at https://youtu.be/j0It68YxLQQ. Defense procedures are listed in more detail in the Emergency Procedures folder. Be informed and talk with your children. 

Concealed Carry Policy

Hilltop Christian Community values the safety and security of our building and families. We appreciate your commitment to responsible concealed carry. If you plan to carry, the following are the requirements:

  • Licensing. The state of Illinois requires an Illinois Concealed Carry License (CCL) to carry a weapon.  
  • Notification. Please inform the Safety Director of the Board if you carry concealed.
  • Concealment. Please ensure your weapon is not visible to anyone at any time to avoid unnecessary attention from students.  On-Body Carry. Your weapon must be securely fastened on your body at all times. It cannot be carried in a purse, backpack, or similar item.

Failure to observe these requirements will result in immediate termination from the Hilltop Community for you and your family.  

It is advisable to have a personal insurance policy to cover yourself and your liability, as Hilltop’s insurance does not cover incidents related to your weapon. This policy may be updated as needed. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to safety.


HCC is a cooperative effort with parents, children, and teachers. One parent from each family must be on the premises during the morning co-op. Parents may leave with their children after the morning co-op has finished. Only high school students may stay in the building without a parent after the morning co-op has finished.

Parent Partner Program

Intended for an errand related to Hilltop if it is necessary to the operation of your classroom. Hilltop morning co-op is not a drop-off program. 

Dress Code

“Modesty is behavior that flows out of remembering our true place of service, and does not conceitedly boast about self, but boasts in God.” (Phil. 2:3-4)

Parents, it is your responsibility to make sure your student is in compliance with the dress code. The dress code applies to anyone attending HCC (adults, students, and visitors). Any non-compliance of dress code policy could be addressed by a member of the Leadership Team. 

Dress code standards apply to ALL HCC activities and events.

Any logos, images or words that undermine biblical principles are not acceptable. 

Tops: No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or camisoles worn alone. No extremely tight-fitting tops and no cleavage. No bra straps or midriffs showing. No offensive images or messages on shirts.


  • No underwear/boxers showing.

  • Shorts must be mid-thigh in length. 

  • Skirts must not exceed 3” from top of knee. 

  • Leggings: If your 5th-12th grader wears leggings, a long shirt must cover their bikini area when arms are lifted up. Your 4th grade and younger child may wear leggings freely! :)

  • Ripped Jeans: allowed but with no rips above mid thigh.

Bathing Suits: Should an HCC event ever involve swimming, bathing suits should be one piece and be modest in style.

Hats: allowed (nothing offensive and no profanity)


High School Students Privileges HCC grants certain privileges to its high school students. While we respect a family’s right and decision to classify their student in whatever grade they choose, a student must be enrolled in grades 8-12 and be at least 13 years of age in order to partake in high school events or privileges intended for high school students.  

  • “Hang-out” events are for HCC students only (between the ages of 13-19 and in at least 8th grade). 

  • These events are to foster friendships within the group; therefore, no younger siblings or friends from outside the group may attend.

  • All high school students are required to sign and date a copy of the High School Guidelines each year.

  • Parents must sign the Release of Liability Form before a student can attend High School “Hang-Out” events. These documents can be found on the HCC website.

High School “Graduating Only” Students HCC extends an invitation to high school graduating students who attended HCC the prior year but are not attending their Senior year, to participate in our graduation ceremony. If the family is not attending HCC, a $25 annual registration fee is required. This does not include graduation fees.


If you have any questions regarding the building policies, please direct them to a member of the Leadership Team. Please ensure that you and your children abide by the following rules:

  • No children are allowed to wander or sit in the halls, and must be in their classrooms at all times.

  • An adult must be present at all times in a room occupied by children. 

  • No children, no matter how old, are allowed outside without an HCC parent/guardian.

  • No running or loud talking in the halls. 

  • Show respect to the property.

  • Any damages sustained to the property will be remedied by the individuals responsible.

  • Students and teachers are not allowed to sit, lay, lean or put feet upon on tables. 

  • No one should go into rooms or areas that are not designated for use by HCC.

  • No gum.